Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Lawsuit About?

This lawsuit has been filed against the Los Angeles County Probation Department (LACPD) on behalf of employees who were intentionally denied reasonable accommodation for their medical injuries and restrictions. The lawsuit alleges that the LACPD has adopted a discriminatory and irrational policy which equally threatens the physical safety of its custodial and non-custodial staff and the Youth Offenders under the care and custody of the LACPD. Under this policy, more fully described below, LACPD refuses to provide reasonable accommodation or engage in a meaningful interactive process for purposes of affording such accommodation.

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2. Who is Included?

The Plaintiffs intend to ask the Court to certify that the case should proceed as a class action on behalf of the following individuals:

  1. All current and former employees of THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT who were assigned to perform the full duties of a DETENTION SERVICES OFFICER (regardless of rank) despite having medical restrictions that necessitated a "Limited Light Duty Position" for the three years leading up to the filing of this Complaint. A "Limited Light Duty Position" involves temporary assignments with less physically demanding tasks and limited contact with Youth Offenders. Examples of such assignments include administrative duties at a reception desk, overseeing entrance or patrolling parking lots, managing movement within a facility, placement in a secured booth, or tasks conducted outside or away from detention facility living units.

  2. All current and former employees with medical restrictions requiring a light duty position who were ordered to stay at home and not return to their duties until they no longer had medical restrictions.

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3. What Does the Lawsuit Ask the Court to do?

The Plaintiffs ask the court to direct LACPD to comply with its obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to LACPD employees and to provide compensation to anyone who asked for but was denied or was deterred from asking for reasonable accommodation or were placed on an involuntary leave of absence.

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4. What is the Current Status?

The lawsuit has been filed and served on the LACPD. We have also asked the Court for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to prevent the LACPD from enforcing its discriminatory policies. We will update further information and the Court’s rulings in the case. Please check back regularly for these updates.

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5. How do I join this lawsuit?

There is nothing you need to do right now. So long as you fall into one of the two subclasses listed in item #2 above, you are part of the potential class. If the Court accepts this lawsuit as a class action, you will receive further information about your participation. If you believe you are part of the class, we only ask that you provide your full name, mailing address, email address, and best telephone number by email to: THERE IS NOTHING ELSE YOU NEED TO DO RIGHT NOW.

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6. What is the best way to communicate with your law firm?

The best way to communicate with us is by email using the following address: Because of the high volume of calls we have been receiving about this case, we cannot return all telephone calls in a timely manner.

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7. Will you represent me personally in a lawsuit against the LACPD?

Unfortunately, due to our current case load, we are not taking any individual cases. We just feel it’s not fair to any client to take on cases where we cannot devote our 100 percent attention.

However, it’s important for you to know that each legal claim has a deadline called a statute of limitations. If you miss that then you may not be able to recover anything regardless of how much merit there is in your claim. Therefore, we urge you to contact other attorneys for legal representation. Here is a link with referral services managed by several bar associations you can contact:

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8. Can I be a part of more than one lawsuit for the same claims as in this case?

We are not aware of another lawsuit where these claims are being asserted. However, as a general principle, you cannot be part of two separate lawsuits.

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9. How do I stay informed about the case?

If you believe you may be a member of the class in the lawsuit or want to be kept updated about the lawsuit, provide your full name, address, telephone number and email address by email to: You will be informed of important dates and events. If the Court approves the lawsuit as a class action you will receive detailed information about your participation.

Please understand that there may be long periods of time when there is nothing to report. Rest assured that we will regularly update this website and advise all potential class members by email of any urgent information or details.

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10. What is the difference between myself as a potential class member and the Class Representatives?

The individuals specifically named in the lawsuit are referred to as Class Representatives, and it is their duty to act on behalf of and in the best interests of the class members.

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11. Do I need to sign my documents or provide any other documentation to join the class action and lawsuit?

No. At this point, there is no need for you to sign any agreements or provide us with any documents. We may request this information as the case progresses.

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12. Will I be responsible for paying your law firm fees or costs for this lawsuit?

No. You are not responsible for any fees or costs incurred by our firm. Fees and costs are determined by the court, and we will apply to the court for them at the appropriate time.

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13. Will you assist and represent me with the individual facts and claim of my case?

No. Unfortunately, we cannot represent you in the individual facts of your case. We are only filing a class action lawsuit for claims shared by all class members. We will be asking the court to appoint us as counsel for the entire class, but we will not act as your personal attorneys. You must find another attorney to handle the individual facts and circumstances of your case.

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On this site you may review various case information and documents.